Sunday, February 14, 2016

Graham McNerney Wins the PPL Cup

Although not there to compete in the Final Series Event on Saturday Feb 13th (due to competing in the Phily Grand Prix tournament), Graham McNerney wins the '15/16 PPL Championship & takes the perpetual cup for the year.

Graham finished the season with a combined 330 points, besting Peter Lauer's 315 points for 2nd place, with Bruce Dickson (last year's winner) in 3rd place with 292.

Rounding out the top 5 were Ann Gieryn with 211 and Lang Adler with 192 points.

All of which begs the question - "what all goes into these point totals?"  

The answer is, a series of metrics tracked from throughout the season:

- number of PPL matches played
- net number of sets won
- net number of games won
- number of different opponents played with and against
- a correction factor for skill level - the higher the skill level, the higher the factor
- results from each of the 3 League Series Championship events held

Sets & games during season matches are pulled from the results reporting system - so be sure your matches's results are submitted by the designated score keeper.

And play a lot!!!

Great season - best yet!


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6:54 AM  
Blogger Sophie Grace said...

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10:59 PM  

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