Sunday, February 28, 2010

Pat Tuff Accepts the 5th PPL Cup for Capital City Team

7 teams competed for the 5th Annual Peachtree Paddle League Championship - Congratulations to Capital City Club Team who came into Saturday's Championship in 3rd place, yet finished in 1st place with the 2nd best winning % in head to head play on Saturday. Captain Bill Butler, a long time paddle player from New Jersey, fielded 14 players on Saturday and 21 on the season, a marvelous job of team leadership!

The Championships, again run by Cherokee Captain Erik Becker, was a 16 match day and remarkably close in the standings. For the first time, the PPL was able to use season performance to partially determine the Championship team. If you've not been to the new scoring module, have a look (click scores from the PPL home page).